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History of
the Dogo Argentino Club of America

In the early to mid-1980’s Ralph Kuris a self-made millionaire and Ricardo Vidal approached Don and Jo-Anne Carty regarding the Dogo Argentino. Ralph and Ricardo were looking for an experienced, knowledgeable and ethical person to partner with in starting a parent breed club as well as a show-breeding kennel for the for the Dogo Argentino in the United States. At this time Ricardo was a breeder of the Rhodesian Ridgeback; his first exposure to the Dogo Argentino came from a Spanish Dog Magazine where the breed was depicted.


In 1985 the first Board of Directors of the Dogo Argentino Club of America was formed and the club was founded: Ricardo Vidal – President, Ralph Kuris – Vice President, Jo-Anne Carty - Secretary-Registrar, Don Carty – Treasurer.  Laura Hewitt daughter of Don and Jo-Anne created the clubs first logo, depicting the Dogo head surrounded by the tusks of a wild boar.  Jo-Anne created the “Coat of White Satin, Body of Steel, Heart of Gold” phrase that went along with the DACA logo.


Ralph and Ricardo’s travels took them all over the world; Argentina, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Spain, Holland and Germany were just some of the countries they visited. These travels enabled them to import the Dogo Argentino and thus formulating Jajome Kennels.  The beautiful imports of Jajome Kennels grew in reputation, the two Dogos that led the way were the products of Jajome – Multi BIS Jajome’s Satin Finish and Multi BIS Cherjoe’s Ices White Satin, both Dogos were litter sisters. The first American Bred Best in Show Dogo in North America – Jajome’s Satin Finish, having received this honor at the West New York Rare Breed Association.


Unfortunately, Ralph Kuris passed away in 1990, the “Dogo Domain” (the DACA’s official quarterly newsletter) featured a photo of Mr. Kuris in Argentina skinning a boar after a hunt. His dream for the Dogo Argentino now left in the careful hands of the few that had helped the club grow.


Through their fervent effort, continued exposition as well as proving of the Dogo Argentino in the United States, Mr. Kuris left the Dogo in the caring hands of hunters and exhibitors: Ricardo Vidal, Don & Jo-Anne Carty, Howard O’Connor, Cherie Carbone, Gary Rankin, Linda Kardonis


The Dogo Argentino Club of America presented numerous specialty shows:

  • January 1990 – Sr. Blas Cantizano, breeder and hunter of the Dogo Argentino, President of the Big Game Hunting Club of Montivideo and Secretary of the Dogo Argentino Club of Uruguay Judged the Clubs Specialty in Miami, Florida.

  • In September of 1996 during a judge’s seminar for the World Wide Kennel club the Dogo Argentino was moved to the Hound Group from the Working Group. The representatives for the DACA present at the meeting were Jo-Anne Carty, Cherie Carbone, Gary Rankin.

  • November 1996 – Rene Evan, President of the Neopolitan Mastff Club of America judged the DACA National Specialty in Delaware, DACA CH Lija’s Abraxys de Cherjoe – first Dogo Argentino in the US with uncropped ears to complete a Championship.

  • October 1997 – AKC Judge Joe Caton Judges the DACA National Specialty which was held in conjunction with the World Wide Kennel Club.  Best in Specialty was awarded to Recado de Bravoure Blanche, flown in with breeder/owner Carlos Bellavitis from Argentina.  In addition, Best Opposite/World Wide Kennel Club Champion and one Best in Show was awarded to DACA CH Lija’s Abraxys de Cherjoe bred by Jajome Kennels, owned by Linda Kardonis and Cherie Carbone.  Winners Bitch was awarded to another Jajome Dogo ‘Bosi Madree’, bred and owned by Don & Jo-Anne Carty and Ricardo Vidal. Reserve Winners Dog was awarded to Jajome’s the Hooligan also bred and owned by The Cartys. Reserve Winner’s Bitch was awarded to Manhattan Bound 4 Glory, owned by Norma Carbonaro and bred by Andy & Ronda Russell.

In 1987 the number of Dogo Argentinos in rescue were nearly nothing, the total of rescue Dogos was counted at 4 at that time.  Linda Kardonis chaired and coordinated rescues from 1997 until Liz Gaulke assumed the role in 2000 as the number of rescues began to double and triple.


With over 40 years of experience in purebred dogs, Don and Jo-Anne Carty’s knowledge was extreme; as the always patient mentors for many at the time, their heart bled for the Dogo Argentino.


They knew in order for the Dogo Argentino to remain true to its original purpose it would require both hunters and exhibitioners to walk hand-in-hand; with the connection of Gary Rankin, Mike Christman, and Michelle Christman the breed would be preserved.


Unfortunately, during his time as President of the DACA Don Carty passed away, his funeral was attended by dog fanciers from all over the United States to pay homage to the passing of a man that had devoted his life to purebred dogs, but most especially to that of the Dogo Argentino.


Eventually Jo-Anne Carty stepped down from her position on the Board and Michelle Christman assumed her position as registrar with great honor.

Linda Kardonis has stated in reference to her time with the club and Don and Jo-Anne Carty, “My assistance although many feel grateful was minute compared to the heart of these two dog greats. I was graced to know them.”


The Dogo Argentino Club of America has worked diligently to safeguard the Dogo Argentino to its true form and function.  During the mid to late 90’s the DACA decided to have a web presence to better enable the public to learn about this valiant breed.  During the Summer of 2004, the DACA underwent a lot of changes. A new President and Treasurer were elected; the Registrar that had been holding that position since the club’s inception in 1985 retired, and a successor was selected. There were additions made to the Board of Directors as well to better round out the club.  At that time there was also a big change, the new BOD voted to return to the Original Breed Standard that was written by Antonio Nores Martinez, with a few exceptions due to the consideration of current laws.  The standard changes were then presented to the members to vote upon as well, the standard was accepted. This change was made to align the club with the FCI standard to continue the vision as set forth by the Martinez brothers.


After many years the DACA held its first independent National Specialty Dog Show in 2006; it was a huge success. Members and non-members from all over the world brought their dogs to participate.


In 2007 the then President of the DACA Mike Christman along with other members of the DACA, filmed with National Geographic Explorer in Texas.  The episode titled, “National Geographic Explorer: The Science of Dogs” aired on August 15, 2007. A portion of the show featured the Dogo Argentino emphasized the breeds function and dual nature that makes it the incredible breed we know and love.


**Information obtained from Linda Kardonis, Michelle Christman, DACA archived documents


Official AKC Parent Club for the
Dogo Argentino in the United States

The Dogo Argentino Club of America is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a registered Non-Profit Organization in the state of Oklahoma. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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